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About drawing objects and pictures

You can add graphics to your worksheets and charts to make them more visually appealing, to create eye-catching reports, or to add emphasis. For example, you can display a logo on your worksheet, create a flowchart, and use graphics in chart data markers. You can make your worksheet interactive by using graphic objects as hyperlinks or by assigning buttons to macros.

Types of graphics

ShowAbout pictures

ShowAbout reducing a picture's file size

Finding clips

ShowAbout the Clip Organizer

ShowAbout finding clips


ShowAbout Shapes

ShowAbout positioning text in shapes

ShowAbout text shadows and 3-D effects

ShowAbout connector lines

Changing drawing objects or graphics

ShowAbout resizing or cropping an object

ShowAbout transparent areas

ShowAbout stacking objects

ShowAbout grouping and ungrouping objects

Excel applications for graphics

ShowUsing graphics as data markers

ShowUsing graphics as hyperlinks

ShowUsing macros with graphics

ShowCreating pictures of cells, charts, and other objects